Ashomi has entered the room.
6:09 pm
chibi raja has entered the room.
6:09 pm
chibi raja 6:09 pm
chibi raja (6:09:44 PM):
Ashomi 6:10 pm
Ashomi (6:10:15 PM):
I dunno how to add offline people.
chibi raja 6:10 pm
chibi raja (6:10:22 PM):
Ashomi 6:10 pm
Ashomi (6:10:36 PM):
Or people in general, let's poke AV and Griff.
xlittlefairy has entered the room.
6:14 pm
Griff (angstyjeepo) has entered the room.
6:14 pm
xlittlefairy 6:14 pm
xlittlefairy (6:14:25 PM):
xlittlefairy (6:14:29 PM):
woo 8D
Ashomi 6:14 pm
Ashomi (6:14:29 PM):
I know Kia's not home yet.
Griff 6:14 pm
Griff (6:14:31 PM):
Ashomi 6:14 pm
Ashomi (6:14:41 PM):
chibi raja 6:15 pm
chibi raja (6:15:17 PM):
Ashomi 6:15 pm
Ashomi (6:15:24 PM):
Anyone else that's fairly active now?
Ashomi (6:15:27 PM):
Mangs maybe.
xlittlefairy 6:15 pm
xlittlefairy (6:15:41 PM):
AV? owo
Ashomi 6:15 pm
Ashomi (6:15:44 PM):
She's never on though so I'll just PM her.
Ashomi (6:15:48 PM):
I sent AV the link.
xlittlefairy 6:16 pm
xlittlefairy (6:16:02 PM):
kk 8D
Griff 6:16 pm
Griff (6:16:17 PM):
AV should be back in a few~
Griff 6:16 pm
Griff (6:16:25 PM):
she had to run for a minute
Ashomi 6:16 pm
Ashomi (6:16:58 PM):
Ashomi 6:18 pm
Ashomi (6:18:27 PM):
Basically, WT is dead.
Ashomi (6:18:46 PM):
I shouldn't be talking about anything really because I still owe customs, hohoho.
Ashomi (6:18:49 PM):
..but anyways.
Firestorm has entered the room.
6:19 pm
Ashomi 6:19 pm
Ashomi (6:19:17 PM):
Go away Jake
xlittlefairy 6:19 pm
xlittlefairy (6:19:26 PM):
Firestorm 6:19 pm
Firestorm (6:19:32 PM):
You dun invite to party then kick out
Ashomi 6:19 pm
Ashomi (6:19:42 PM):
sri told you not to
Firestorm 6:19 pm
Firestorm (6:19:59 PM):
Man that old AIM sound effect
Ashomi 6:20 pm
Ashomi (6:20:01 PM):
You're only good for helping me figure out aim coding, then you're not.
Firestorm 6:20 pm
Firestorm (6:20:07 PM):
Haven't heard that in like 3-4 years
Ashomi 6:20 pm
Ashomi (6:20:23 PM):
That's because you use Steam too much.
Ashomi 6:21 pm
Ashomi (6:21:18 PM):
I don't know if Kia's gonna get on while she watches hockey or not.
Ashomi (6:21:43 PM):
I kinda poked her about it already anyhow, but not in detail or anything.
Ashomi (6:22:10 PM):
Mangs isn't on, is she?
Griff 6:22 pm
Griff (6:22:21 PM):
I don't see her
[A.V.] (alivuong) has entered the room.
6:22 pm
Ashomi 6:22 pm
Ashomi (6:22:43 PM):
I'll PM her chatlogs.
Griff 6:22 pm
Griff (6:22:50 PM):
[A.V.] 6:22 pm
[A.V.] (6:22:57 PM):
Griff 6:23 pm
Griff (6:23:16 PM):
Don't apologize. /squishes with love
Ashomi 6:23 pm
Ashomi (6:23:53 PM):
Ashomi (6:23:56 PM):
Typical Canadian
[A.V.] 6:24 pm
[A.V.] (6:24:06 PM):
Ashomi 6:24 pm
Ashomi (6:24:26 PM):
Griff 6:24 pm
Griff (6:24:58 PM):
You Canada kids. /shakes head
[A.V.] 6:25 pm
[A.V.] (6:25:08 PM):
OMG slkdfjsdlkfsdf
Ashomi 6:25 pm
Ashomi (6:25:43 PM):
Hey, you buy your undies in vending machines, you can't talk.
[A.V.] 6:26 pm
[A.V.] (6:26:00 PM):
Griff 6:26 pm
Griff (6:26:12 PM):
xlittlefairy 6:26 pm
xlittlefairy (6:26:16 PM):
LMFAO Dova always a charmer
Ashomi 6:26 pm
Ashomi (6:26:56 PM):
Hey, I'm sending her a live baby moose in a dog crate, I'd say that's pretty charming.
Griff 6:27 pm
Griff (6:27:14 PM):
bby moose ::sparkle eyes::
Ashomi 6:27 pm
Ashomi (6:27:29 PM):
[A.V.] 6:27 pm
[A.V.] (6:27:37 PM):
Hey, I want one too. :C
Ashomi 6:27 pm
Ashomi (6:27:48 PM):
wat, just go in your backyard and adopt one
xlittlefairy 6:27 pm
xlittlefairy (6:27:52 PM):
OnlineHost 6:28 pm
OnlineHost (6:28:07 PM):
Firestorm rolled 2 6-sided dice:  2 3
[A.V.] 6:28 pm
[A.V.] (6:28:24 PM):
I only have sparrows. :C
Ashomi 6:29 pm
Ashomi (6:29:07 PM):
I don't think I've seen a sparrow since I lived in NS.
Ashomi (6:29:20 PM):
It's all magpies and ravens out here, maybe the odd chickadee.
Ashomi (6:29:26 PM):
Haven't seen robins either.
Firestorm 6:29 pm
Firestorm (6:29:33 PM):
I want a pet raven
[A.V.] 6:29 pm
[A.V.] (6:29:38 PM):
=OI want chickadees.
Ashomi 6:29 pm
Ashomi (6:29:49 PM):
So it can eat your cat?
Firestorm 6:30 pm
Firestorm (6:30:05 PM):
Don't care, want it
Ashomi 6:30 pm
Ashomi (6:30:26 PM):
Chickadees are kinda cute, actually, with their little chickadeedee noise, like a rl pokemon.
Ashomi (6:31:12 PM):
OKAY, so does anyone WANT to do Christmas in July?  Like I am personally tired of snow and winter but if you guys want to we'll do it.
Griff 6:31 pm
Griff (6:31:56 PM):
Griff (6:32:20 PM):
I dunno if I want to color winter/Christmas >_> It's almost melty weather here.
OnlineHost 6:32 pm
OnlineHost (6:32:34 PM):
Firestorm rolled 2 999-sided dice:  94 982
Griff 6:32 pm
Griff (6:32:48 PM):
(Also. A pet raven would be the best thing. /wants)
[A.V.] 6:32 pm
[A.V.] (6:32:57 PM):
Chickadee dee dee dee /slapped
xlittlefairy 6:32 pm
xlittlefairy (6:32:58 PM):
im fine with whatever xD /specific as always yahhh
[A.V.] 6:33 pm
[A.V.] (6:33:04 PM):
Uh, I am fine with anything too
Firestorm 6:33 pm
Firestorm (6:33:18 PM):
Artist room huh
Ashomi 6:33 pm
Ashomi (6:33:19 PM):
I thought of you when I colored this Ryuu.  :kirakira:
Ashomi (6:33:20 PM):
Firestorm 6:33 pm
Firestorm (6:33:29 PM):
Ashomi 6:33 pm
Ashomi (6:33:46 PM):
I think Raja's the only one that actually draws.
Griff 6:33 pm
Griff (6:33:57 PM):
I draw awesome stick people
xlittlefairy 6:34 pm
xlittlefairy (6:34:02 PM):
Firestorm 6:34 pm
Firestorm (6:34:05 PM):
Only think I'd pay for anyway is a new steam avatar
Ashomi 6:34 pm
Ashomi (6:34:05 PM):
I stand corrected.
chibi raja 6:34 pm
chibi raja (6:34:19 PM):
chibi raja (6:34:21 PM):
What now?
chibi raja (6:34:31 PM):
Ohey Gwynn showed ya Bannits
Ashomi 6:35 pm
Ashomi (6:35:08 PM):
She asked me to color some, I couldn't convince her I'd just ruin her lines.
chibi raja 6:35 pm
chibi raja (6:35:19 PM):
[A.V.] 6:35 pm
[A.V.] (6:35:45 PM):
So pretty o A o
Ashomi 6:35 pm
Ashomi (6:35:48 PM):
Well does anyone have any events they want to do then?
Griff 6:37 pm
Griff (6:37:02 PM):
Summer safari? ....I just wanna put spots on things. >_>
xlittlefairy 6:37 pm
xlittlefairy (6:37:21 PM):
/was gonna say something with naturals so i am chill with that 8'D
Ashomi 6:37 pm
Ashomi (6:37:36 PM):
k well I want to get some gods out
Ashomi (6:37:56 PM):
but uh, you guys don't have to, just a suggestion
chibi raja 6:37 pm
chibi raja (6:37:58 PM):
[A.V.] 6:38 pm
[A.V.] (6:38:04 PM):
Godsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss /drools
chibi raja 6:38 pm
chibi raja (6:38:17 PM):
Give them gods? Nooo
chibi raja (6:38:24 PM):
We like seeing them suffer too much
Griff 6:38 pm
Griff (6:38:26 PM):
Gods~ <3
Ashomi 6:38 pm
Ashomi (6:38:42 PM):
Well, I planned to make them pay for them.
Ashomi (6:39:18 PM):
Actually, Ryuu's going to make my god, and everyone else has to pay.
xlittlefairy 6:39 pm
xlittlefairy (6:39:26 PM):
[A.V.] 6:39 pm
[A.V.] (6:39:32 PM):
Griff 6:39 pm
Griff (6:39:33 PM):
Ashomi 6:39 pm
Ashomi (6:39:35 PM):
I'm kidding.
Ashomi (6:39:37 PM):
Or am I?
Griff 6:39 pm
Griff (6:39:51 PM):
Will we ever know?
Ashomi 6:40 pm
Ashomi (6:40:19 PM):
Well, we all know I'm pro slavery so I'm probably telling the truth.
Griff 6:40 pm
Griff (6:40:27 PM):
xlittlefairy 6:40 pm
xlittlefairy (6:40:37 PM):
Ashomi 6:40 pm
Ashomi (6:40:56 PM):
But yeah, anyone see anything not on here that should be?
Griff 6:41 pm
Griff (6:41:04 PM):
Ya know, if we did do somethign like safari or whatever~ it could encompass all the things. Nat. and unnat. >_> SO EVERYTHING IS GOOD
Firestorm has left the room.
6:41 pm
[A.V.] 6:41 pm
[A.V.] (6:41:26 PM):
I call unnats
Griff 6:41 pm
Griff (6:41:34 PM):
Griff (6:41:38 PM):
Luck is taken. >_>
Ashomi 6:41 pm
Ashomi (6:41:41 PM):
Ashomi (6:42:23 PM):
Illuseon never got made, did it?
Griff 6:42 pm
Griff (6:42:31 PM):
and it's good you are wanting to let gods happen....since I plan on parading her from here to next year. @luck
Griff (6:42:38 PM):
um...actually I think it did.
Ashomi 6:42 pm
Ashomi (6:42:56 PM):
Okay, Time didn't.
Ashomi (6:43:01 PM):
I think Fear did.
Griff 6:43 pm
Griff (6:43:09 PM):
Yeah. DFA has Fear
Ashomi 6:43 pm
Ashomi (6:43:24 PM):
I don't think purity did?
Griff 6:43 pm
Griff (6:43:37 PM):
Griff (6:43:46 PM):
Um....idk at purity
Griff (6:44:08 PM):
I don't think so, though
chibi raja 6:44 pm
chibi raja (6:44:17 PM):
chibi raja (6:44:23 PM):
I might have made time. I now I made a sand related one
chibi raja (6:44:33 PM):
I forget
Ashomi 6:44 pm
Ashomi (6:44:40 PM):
Nah, that's owned by Infinities.
Ashomi (6:44:47 PM):
This was reserved by Nova.
chibi raja 6:44 pm
chibi raja (6:44:47 PM):
chibi raja (6:44:51 PM):
Ashomi 6:45 pm
Ashomi (6:45:36 PM):
I should change my reserved from revenge to blood and guts.
Griff 6:45 pm
Griff (6:45:45 PM):
chibi raja 6:45 pm
chibi raja (6:45:48 PM):
Ashomi 6:46 pm
Ashomi (6:46:32 PM):
So explain your safari idear, Griffycakes.
Griff 6:46 pm
Griff (6:46:54 PM):
Griff (6:47:13 PM):
Random normals everywhere~ like in Wishland.
Griff (6:47:25 PM):
Customers get eaten by them
Griff (6:47:32 PM):
We keep all the wishes
Griff (6:47:43 PM):
[A.V.] 6:48 pm
[A.V.] (6:48:04 PM):
I support this.
xlittlefairy 6:48 pm
xlittlefairy (6:48:18 PM):
Griff 6:48 pm
Griff (6:48:45 PM):
I really hadn't got past the title. I started thinking about all the different spots I could color
Ashomi 6:48 pm
Ashomi (6:48:55 PM):
Ashomi (6:49:41 PM):
I dunno how many naturals we'd get away with, we have a zebra, cheetah, panther, giraffe, god knows how many jaguars and snow leopards and tigers.
xlittlefairy 6:49 pm
xlittlefairy (6:49:54 PM):
soo many birds *v*
xlittlefairy (6:49:57 PM):
and marine life~~~
Griff 6:50 pm
Griff (6:50:14 PM):
xDD We can totally toss in some randoms and unnaturals.....blame a God?
Ashomi 6:50 pm
Ashomi (6:50:42 PM):
We could lisa frank it up and have a safari on drugs.
Griff 6:50 pm
Griff (6:50:52 PM):
omg. Hahahah. Can't go wrong with rainbows
xlittlefairy 6:51 pm
xlittlefairy (6:51:05 PM):
awwyiss BD
Ashomi 6:51 pm
Ashomi (6:51:59 PM):
Someone can make a mixblood smoking pot.
Griff 6:52 pm
Griff (6:52:05 PM):
IF we wanted another VS event~ we could do Nat. against Un.? KIND OF. not quite like the others? /thinking adn tossing out all ideas
Griff (6:52:08 PM):
OMG> ahahahahhaa
xlittlefairy 6:52 pm
xlittlefairy (6:52:35 PM):
Ashomi 6:52 pm
Ashomi (6:52:58 PM):
Meeki would take her shop back so damn fast.
Griff 6:53 pm
Griff (6:53:02 PM):
Ashomi 6:53 pm
Ashomi (6:53:10 PM):
Well let's like... think of gods first.
Ashomi (6:53:18 PM):
What are some really coveted domains?
[A.V.] 6:53 pm
[A.V.] (6:53:53 PM):
... elements?
Ashomi 6:54 pm
Ashomi (6:54:29 PM):
Can't do that, because we already have wind, shadows, etc.
[A.V.] 6:54 pm
[A.V.] (6:54:45 PM):
Griff 6:55 pm
Griff (6:55:09 PM):
Ashomi 6:56 pm
Ashomi (6:56:07 PM):
We have love.
Ashomi (6:56:19 PM):
This is why gods got complicated, because they can't overlap.
Griff 6:56 pm
Griff (6:56:24 PM):
Griff (6:56:36 PM):
Um. Do we have any of the seasons?
[A.V.] 6:57 pm
[A.V.] (6:57:00 PM):
ooh, seasons could work
Griff 6:57 pm
Griff (6:57:39 PM):
Though~ I do remember when bribes were a thing~ Meeki was hesitant about Autumn (esp. with leaf wings) because Plant had leaf wings.
[A.V.] 6:59 pm
[A.V.] (6:59:09 PM):
Don't the normal god wings kinda look like leaves?
Ashomi 6:59 pm
Ashomi (6:59:10 PM):
..all gods have leaf wings though?
Griff 6:59 pm
Griff (6:59:32 PM):
Yeah. xD
Griff (6:59:41 PM):
but like..dried leaves?
Griff (6:59:48 PM):
I prolly still have the pm somewhere~
Ashomi 7:00 pm
Ashomi (7:00:36 PM):
Not to sound rude but... I could care less what Meeki thinks?
[A.V.] 7:00 pm
[A.V.] (7:00:42 PM):
With... holes? idk
Griff 7:00 pm
Griff (7:00:58 PM):
[A.V.] 7:00 pm
[A.V.] (7:00:58 PM):
Does Meeki still kinda own the shop?
Griff 7:01 pm
Griff (7:01:00 PM):
Works for me
[A.V.] 7:01 pm
[A.V.] (7:01:04 PM):
I have no idea with anything /dumb
Ashomi 7:01 pm
Ashomi (7:01:05 PM):
She makes everything 100x more complicated than it needs to be.
Ashomi 7:01 pm
Ashomi (7:01:33 PM):
Yeah, she owns the shop, and she never pokes her head in or anything, she expects me to relay every little thing that happens to the shop back to her.
Ashomi (7:01:37 PM):
I stopped ages ago.
Ashomi (7:02:01 PM):
I ask her about some things, like changing bribes to have no limit.  That was a huge fight, from a shop she doesn't even visit.
Ashomi (7:02:22 PM):
A bribe is not a bribe, if everyone offers the max amount.
[A.V.] 7:02 pm
[A.V.] (7:02:42 PM):
xlittlefairy 7:02 pm
xlittlefairy (7:02:47 PM):
Ashomi 7:03 pm
Ashomi (7:03:23 PM):
Like, believe me, I've nearly quit many a times over this.
Griff 7:03 pm
Griff (7:03:51 PM):
;-; /loves Dova
Ashomi 7:03 pm
Ashomi (7:03:54 PM):
..and any time you guys want her back as a boss, lemme know. <___<;
Griff 7:04 pm
Griff (7:04:00 PM):
Griff (7:04:05 PM):
I work for Dova. >=>
Ashomi 7:04 pm
Ashomi (7:04:07 PM):
I know I scare Ryuu and AV.
xlittlefairy 7:04 pm
xlittlefairy (7:04:29 PM):
LMFAO I'm allowed to be picky and only work for bosses i like ok )-bbb what griff said
Griff 7:04 pm
Griff (7:04:34 PM):
OK. I have to go teach some kids some English. I'mma leave this one, so I'll catch up later
xlittlefairy 7:04 pm
xlittlefairy (7:04:42 PM):
Hf! owo
Ashomi 7:05 pm
Ashomi (7:05:03 PM):
[A.V.] 7:05 pm
[A.V.] (7:05:06 PM):
Take care Griff!
[A.V.] (7:05:12 PM):
And uh, I prefer working for a boss I can contact. >>
Ashomi 7:05 pm
Ashomi (7:05:16 PM):
Bye Griff, enjoy your english.
Ashomi (7:05:24 PM):
Meeki has AIM and Skype.
xlittlefairy 7:05 pm
xlittlefairy (7:05:28 PM):
[A.V.] 7:05 pm
[A.V.] (7:05:38 PM):
U no wat I meen :T
Ashomi 7:05 pm
Ashomi (7:05:58 PM):
You're afraid of me. >:  What kind of person is scared about asking to make a FLATSALE?
[A.V.] 7:06 pm
[A.V.] (7:06:06 PM):
And I hate Skype.
[A.V.] (7:06:14 PM):
It's not in my job description. D:
Ashomi 7:06 pm
Ashomi (7:06:17 PM):
I love skype.
[A.V.] 7:06 pm
[A.V.] (7:06:27 PM):
And last time I asked you told me to finish breedings. xD
Ashomi 7:06 pm
Ashomi (7:06:59 PM):
The job description was really... I dunno, to make sure you guys didn't color and ditch, like everyone else.
Ashomi (7:07:40 PM):
Fair enough. >:
[A.V.] 7:08 pm
[A.V.] (7:08:34 PM):
I just don't want to overstep boundaries QQ
Ashomi 7:10 pm
Ashomi (7:10:04 PM):
Ehh, unless you're being gold hungry I don't much care.
Ashomi (7:10:21 PM):
If you're asking to auction this that and the other thing, THEN I'll be like uh wtf av.
Ashomi 7:10 pm
Ashomi (7:10:45 PM):
Free stuff?  I mostly don't care, unless we're in the middle of something or I'm being a dingbat.
[A.V.] 7:12 pm
[A.V.] (7:12:05 PM):
; u ;
[A.V.] (7:12:16 PM):
Naw, I'd only do auctions for events. No one wants my poop, lol
Ashomi 7:12 pm
Ashomi (7:12:24 PM):
Lies and slander. ):
Ashomi (7:12:33 PM):
Looking at these old god bribes hurts my pride.
Ashomi (7:12:40 PM):
So many people didn't want me to color them.
[A.V.] 7:12 pm
[A.V.] (7:12:54 PM):
[A.V.] (7:13:00 PM):
People got to pick who they wanted to colour it?
Ashomi 7:13 pm
Ashomi (7:13:14 PM):
[A.V.] 7:13 pm
[A.V.] (7:13:50 PM):
Well, I'm sure EVERYONE will want you to colour them now. o u o-b
Ashomi 7:14 pm
Ashomi (7:14:27 PM):
lol pssh
kiareii has been invited.
7:14 pm
Invitation result for buddy kiareii : kiareii is unable or does not support this feature.
7:14 pm
[A.V.] 7:15 pm
[A.V.] (7:15:15 PM):
I would. 8D /KILLED
xlittlefairy 7:15 pm
xlittlefairy (7:15:20 PM):
[A.V.] 7:15 pm
[A.V.] (7:15:52 PM):
/hi-fives Ryuu
xlittlefairy 7:15 pm
xlittlefairy (7:15:59 PM):
/hi5s BD
Ashomi 7:16 pm
Ashomi (7:16:22 PM):
lol you guys <3
Ashomi 7:17 pm
Ashomi (7:17:59 PM):
Who all wants to color a god/dess?
xlittlefairy 7:18 pm
xlittlefairy (7:18:13 PM):
/may or may not be interested >w>
[A.V.] 7:18 pm
[A.V.] (7:18:15 PM):
I wouldn't mind. o v o
Ashomi 7:18 pm
Ashomi (7:18:39 PM):
Yes or no, Ryuu? xDD
Ashomi (7:18:41 PM):
xlittlefairy 7:18 pm
xlittlefairy (7:18:53 PM):
y owo
kiareii has been invited.
7:19 pm
kiareii has entered the room.
7:19 pm
Ashomi 7:20 pm
Ashomi (7:20:13 PM):
Okay, Kia, do you wanna color a god?
kiareii has left the room.
7:20 pm
Ashomi 7:21 pm
Ashomi (7:21:31 PM):
IS that a no?
Ashomi (7:21:32 PM):
[A.V.] 7:22 pm
[A.V.] (7:22:04 PM):
Maybe she accidentally closed it like me, lol
xlittlefairy 7:22 pm
xlittlefairy (7:22:11 PM):
Ashomi 7:22 pm
Ashomi (7:22:29 PM):
She's having issues. xD
[A.V.] 7:22 pm
[A.V.] (7:22:58 PM):
...AIM issues?
Ashomi 7:23 pm
Ashomi (7:23:04 PM):
[A.V.] 7:23 pm
[A.V.] (7:23:08 PM):
Ah, lol
kiareii has been invited.
7:23 pm
kiareii has entered the room.
7:23 pm
[A.V.] 7:23 pm
[A.V.] (7:23:14 PM):
kiareii 7:23 pm
kiareii (7:23:50 PM):
/waves and rubs her eyes
Ashomi 7:24 pm
Ashomi (7:24:20 PM):
Okay, it did.
xlittlefairy 7:24 pm
xlittlefairy (7:24:24 PM):
-curls around- :kirakira:
Ashomi 7:24 pm
Ashomi (7:24:26 PM):
Kia, want to make a god?
kiareii 7:24 pm
kiareii (7:24:49 PM):
besides Griff's and mine that I'm going to probably hand to you to finish? Sure.
Ashomi 7:25 pm
Ashomi (7:25:08 PM):
It looks like Chaos and Lightning were the most asked for.
Ashomi (7:25:11 PM):
Storms is taken.
kiareii 7:25 pm
kiareii (7:25:25 PM):
Storms/Lightning was supposed to be mine xD
Ashomi 7:25 pm
Ashomi (7:25:37 PM):
It is, this is from the old god bribes thread.
kiareii 7:26 pm
kiareii (7:26:36 PM):
so...we are opening bribes? Or chosing domains, creating a god, and event-ing them off?
kiareii (7:26:38 PM):
Ashomi 7:27 pm
Ashomi (7:27:12 PM):
Choosing and eventing.
Ashomi (7:27:25 PM):
As in, taking really popular domains and auctioning/raffling them.
kiareii 7:28 pm
kiareii (7:28:49 PM):
kiareii (7:28:51 PM):
kiareii (7:28:56 PM):
who has taken what xD;
Ashomi 7:29 pm
Ashomi (7:29:10 PM):
Going through my head right now, I'm debating like... a god war, two evil, two good and one or two neutral, fighting.  We could make "underling" pets to game off for the free side maybe?
Ashomi 7:29 pm
Ashomi (7:29:19 PM):
Or.. does anyone have better ideas?
Ashomi (7:29:29 PM):
Nobody's taken anything yet, just mostly brain storming.
xlittlefairy 7:29 pm
xlittlefairy (7:29:37 PM):
oh man, sounds fun *v*
[A.V.] 7:29 pm
[A.V.] (7:29:43 PM):
Sounds neat!
Ashomi 7:29 pm
Ashomi (7:29:56 PM):
AV, Ryuu, Raja, Kia, Griff maybe?
Ashomi (7:30:06 PM):
I dunno if I wanna make one, my coloring sawks.
kiareii 7:30 pm
kiareii (7:30:15 PM):
Ashomi 7:30 pm
Ashomi (7:30:17 PM):
Oh, and Mangs.
[A.V.] 7:30 pm
[A.V.] (7:30:21 PM):
xlittlefairy 7:30 pm
xlittlefairy (7:30:36 PM):
/eyeballs yer eyeballs
Ashomi 7:30 pm
Ashomi (7:30:41 PM):
Ashomi 7:31 pm
Ashomi (7:31:25 PM):
Or we could pass them all around and do a super collab?
[A.V.] 7:31 pm
[A.V.] (7:31:40 PM):
OMG, that'd be awesome. xDD
kiareii 7:31 pm
kiareii (7:31:50 PM):
that sounds too chaotic >>;
Ashomi 7:32 pm
Ashomi (7:32:06 PM):
Probably like three or two to one god, maybe.
Ashomi (7:32:11 PM):
Not like seven on one.
kiareii 7:32 pm
kiareii (7:32:12 PM):
I wouldn't object to pairing up with one person for one set of lines and another person for a different set?
Ashomi 7:32 pm
Ashomi (7:32:12 PM):
xlittlefairy 7:32 pm
xlittlefairy (7:32:21 PM):
kiareii 7:33 pm
kiareii (7:33:27 PM):
I don't mind collab work and I am happy to do/correct/assist with? edits for those uncomfortable or not confident with them
[A.V.] 7:34 pm
[A.V.] (7:34:06 PM):
I'll probs need edit assist. >>
Ashomi 7:36 pm
Ashomi (7:36:05 PM):
Kia redlineing for everyone
Ashomi (7:36:06 PM):
Ashomi (7:36:41 PM):
Whatever you guys want to do, I'm okay with it.
Ashomi (7:36:53 PM):
7 gods won't break us when we've had 0 for years
chibi raja 7:37 pm
chibi raja (7:37:05 PM):
chibi raja (7:37:07 PM):
What am I doing?
chibi raja (7:37:11 PM):
Should I be paying attention?
chibi raja (7:37:12 PM):
Ashomi 7:37 pm
Ashomi (7:37:35 PM):
We are making a god war event with new gods, would you like to make a god for this? (assumed yes)
chibi raja 7:37 pm
chibi raja (7:37:44 PM):
Oh sure
chibi raja (7:37:46 PM):
Wr gods?
kiareii 7:37 pm
kiareii (7:37:54 PM):
lol, Raja does better edits than me, bet Ryuu does as well~
chibi raja 7:38 pm
chibi raja (7:38:08 PM):
Wait I wut?
chibi raja (7:38:11 PM):
O no I don't
Ashomi 7:38 pm
Ashomi (7:38:18 PM):
We're also debating.
Ashomi (7:38:23 PM):
Do we collab or make our own?
chibi raja 7:41 pm
chibi raja (7:41:07 PM):
Ashomi 7:49 pm
Ashomi (7:49:56 PM):
Chaos, War, Bravery, Wisdom, Sacrifice and conflict maybe?
Ashomi (7:50:04 PM):
Are war and conflict different enough?
kiareii 7:50 pm
kiareii (7:50:29 PM):
chaos/war/conflict are all hard for me to think of differenciation
kiareii (7:50:33 PM):
Ashomi 7:50 pm
Ashomi (7:50:51 PM):
chaos is confusion so that's different
Ashomi (7:51:23 PM):
Like war isn't always chaotic, it COULD be straight forward, it's just rare.
xlittlefairy 7:51 pm
xlittlefairy (7:51:39 PM):
war could be the larger battles and conflict could be as small as between two peeps?
Ashomi 7:52 pm
Ashomi (7:52:04 PM):
Yeah but to make a pet based on conflict could be tough.
[A.V.] 7:52 pm
[A.V.] (7:52:31 PM):
... I was thinking the little angel and demon thing, but that'd probs be a weird edit to have
[A.V.] (7:52:35 PM):
... and not allowed, lol
Ashomi 7:52 pm
Ashomi (7:52:46 PM):
could do familiars
[A.V.] 7:52 pm
[A.V.] (7:52:58 PM):
Ashomi 7:53 pm
Ashomi (7:53:08 PM):
Like kindness has like 5 familiars
[A.V.] 7:53 pm
[A.V.] (7:53:20 PM):
Ashomi 7:53 pm
Ashomi (7:53:28 PM):
Ashomi (7:53:29 PM):
Ashomi (7:53:48 PM):
other than conflict what's something war related that isn't technically good or bad?
Ashomi 7:54 pm
Ashomi (7:54:18 PM):
or if you guys have better ideas by all means say 'em, I'm just brain storming
[A.V.] 7:54 pm
[A.V.] (7:54:45 PM):
I'm just thinking armour. /derp
Ashomi 7:54 pm
Ashomi (7:54:48 PM):
xlittlefairy 7:54 pm
xlittlefairy (7:54:55 PM):
im just like death, famine... wait..... -shot-
[A.V.] 7:54 pm
[A.V.] (7:54:59 PM):
Ashomi 7:55 pm
Ashomi (7:55:02 PM):
we could do prejudice
Ashomi (7:55:07 PM):
death is taken
Ashomi (7:55:11 PM):
I think famine is too
xlittlefairy 7:55 pm
xlittlefairy (7:55:14 PM):
Ashomi 7:55 pm
Ashomi (7:55:38 PM):
actually prejudiced is too close to hate
Ashomi 7:57 pm
Ashomi (7:57:00 PM):
let's just do hotdogs, pancakes, butter and maplesyrup
Ashomi (7:57:05 PM):
I'd fight over that
xlittlefairy 7:57 pm
xlittlefairy (7:57:13 PM):
Ashomi 7:57 pm
Ashomi (7:57:49 PM):
Did you know, hotdogs and bananas are the biggest choking hazard food-wise?
xlittlefairy 7:57 pm
xlittlefairy (7:57:55 PM):
omg XD
Ashomi 7:58 pm
Ashomi (7:58:12 PM):
Not allowed to serve them to seniors without chopping them.
xlittlefairy 7:58 pm
xlittlefairy (7:58:39 PM):
LOL omg xD super considerate tho >w>
xlittlefairy (7:58:47 PM):
hummmmmmmm tension? 9_6
Ashomi 7:59 pm
Ashomi (7:59:22 PM):
That could work if anyone had ideas for it.
Ashomi (7:59:57 PM):
we could maybe do sickness/health
xlittlefairy 8:00 pm
xlittlefairy (8:00:09 PM):
ooh 8D
Ashomi 8:00 pm
Ashomi (8:00:11 PM):
No, healing is taken.
xlittlefairy 8:00 pm
xlittlefairy (8:00:16 PM):
Ashomi 8:00 pm
Ashomi (8:00:25 PM):
Sickness should be safe though.
xlittlefairy 8:00 pm
xlittlefairy (8:00:49 PM):
sickness sounds fun owo
kiareii 8:01 pm
kiareii (8:01:00 PM):
I like wisdom
kiareii 8:01 pm
kiareii (8:01:40 PM):
and bravery xD
kiareii (8:01:43 PM):
Ashomi 8:01 pm
Ashomi (8:01:44 PM):
With a beard and wizard cap?
kiareii 8:01 pm
kiareii (8:01:46 PM):
xlittlefairy 8:01 pm
xlittlefairy (8:01:48 PM):
Ashomi 8:02 pm
Ashomi (8:02:01 PM):
So, sickness, bravery and wisdom.
xlittlefairy 8:02 pm
xlittlefairy (8:02:14 PM):
saccriiifficeee *w*
Ashomi 8:02 pm
Ashomi (8:02:46 PM):
Ashomi (8:03:21 PM):
Bravery and Wisdom are probably good, I'd say?  Sacrifice evil, and Sickness probably normal?
kiareii 8:04 pm
kiareii (8:04:28 PM):
Bravery could be normal
Ashomi 8:04 pm
Ashomi (8:04:32 PM):
War, Violence, Destruction uhhhh
Ashomi (8:04:46 PM):
Okay, so sickness and bravery for the normals.
kiareii 8:05 pm
kiareii (8:05:08 PM):
I am not dictating, just throwing out another viewpiont ^^;
Ashomi 8:05 pm
Ashomi (8:05:43 PM):
Okay, well we'll stick it wherever we find another domain maybe.
xlittlefairy 8:06 pm
xlittlefairy (8:06:07 PM):
humm are we looking for goods now?
Ashomi 8:06 pm
Ashomi (8:06:10 PM):
Any of those evils sound good to anyone?
Ashomi (8:06:20 PM):
We need one evil and either a good or normal.
xlittlefairy 8:06 pm
xlittlefairy (8:06:30 PM):
yeah I like all of the suggestions, including the initial ones 8D
Ashomi 8:06 pm
Ashomi (8:06:40 PM):
AV?  Raja?
xlittlefairy 8:06 pm
xlittlefairy (8:06:46 PM):
is recovery too close? rebuild?
[A.V.] 8:07 pm
[A.V.] (8:07:06 PM):
Ashomi 8:07 pm
Ashomi (8:07:37 PM):
Rebuild is different because it's construction but it seems a bit too humanoid since wishes don't really build.
[A.V.] 8:07 pm
[A.V.] (8:07:44 PM):
... magic? >>
Ashomi 8:08 pm
Ashomi (8:08:01 PM):
we could do a hippy peace god/dess
xlittlefairy 8:08 pm
xlittlefairy (8:08:04 PM):
[A.V.] 8:08 pm
[A.V.] (8:08:15 PM):
Ashomi 8:08 pm
Ashomi (8:08:17 PM):
I think magic is taken lemme look
Ashomi 8:08 pm
Ashomi (8:08:50 PM):
I dunno if magic and wonder are too close, or magic and miracles?
[A.V.] 8:09 pm
[A.V.] (8:09:25 PM):
Yah, I wasn't sure
Ashomi 8:09 pm
Ashomi (8:09:58 PM):
Alright, any more domain suggestions?
[A.V.] 8:11 pm
[A.V.] (8:11:17 PM):
I like the peace idea. >>
[A.V.] (8:11:26 PM):
kiareii 8:11 pm
kiareii (8:11:48 PM):
miracles and magic are taken, iirc?
Ashomi 8:12 pm
Ashomi (8:12:02 PM):
Magic isn't, but it may be too close to miracles and wonder.
kiareii 8:12 pm
kiareii (8:12:26 PM):
I have a domain I want [besides storms] /BRICKED
Ashomi 8:12 pm
Ashomi (8:12:31 PM):
Ashomi (8:12:47 PM):
kiareii 8:12 pm
kiareii (8:12:59 PM):
that I want? no xD
Ashomi 8:13 pm
Ashomi (8:13:12 PM):
Which? xD
kiareii 8:13 pm
kiareii (8:13:16 PM):
though I still think we need to own and lifemate Blood and Sparkles
Ashomi 8:13 pm
Ashomi (8:13:21 PM):
Ashomi (8:13:58 PM):
Ashomi (8:14:02 PM):
We have Sacrifice.
Ashomi (8:14:35 PM):
Everyone pick one, War, Destruction or Violence?
xlittlefairy 8:14 pm
xlittlefairy (8:14:59 PM):
warrrr? /thinking war paints and stuff
kiareii 8:15 pm
kiareii (8:15:15 PM):
war, of those three
Ashomi 8:15 pm
Ashomi (8:15:56 PM):
Okay, so evil lines, war and sacrifice, unless someone had better ideas?  Last chance~
[A.V.] 8:16 pm
[A.V.] (8:16:23 PM):
... war? /bandwagons
xlittlefairy 8:16 pm
xlittlefairy (8:16:29 PM):
Ashomi 8:17 pm
Ashomi (8:17:47 PM):
So... sickness and bravery for normals?  Once again, any better ideas?  Last call?
Griff 8:18 pm
Griff (8:18:25 PM):
Have I missed all the things?
Ashomi 8:18 pm
Ashomi (8:18:50 PM):
Yes Griffycakes, we're making gods.
Ashomi (8:19:14 PM):
We'll save your safari event for later, but for now we're making a god war and god "peons" for the freebies~
Ashomi 8:21 pm
Ashomi (8:21:10 PM):
..and Griff you're welcome to make a god, we can help with edits.
Griff 8:21 pm
Griff (8:21:13 PM):
Griff (8:21:15 PM):
Ashomi 8:21 pm
Ashomi (8:21:25 PM):
Well, not we... probably KiaRyuuRaja
Ashomi (8:21:26 PM):
Griff 8:21 pm
Griff (8:21:33 PM):
I would love to color~ my edits would just make everyone cry
Ashomi 8:21 pm
Ashomi (8:21:43 PM):
Mine too, mine too.
Griff 8:21 pm
Griff (8:21:47 PM):
Ashomi 8:22 pm
Ashomi (8:22:06 PM):
BUT so far we have
Ashomi (8:22:08 PM):
as evil gods
Ashomi (8:22:37 PM):
Evil: Sacrifice, War -------- Normal: Sickness, Bravery ------ Good: Peace and Wisdom
Ashomi (8:22:42 PM):
Griff 8:23 pm
Griff (8:23:37 PM):
Looks good to me~
Ashomi 8:24 pm
Ashomi (8:24:11 PM):
We actually need another.
Ashomi (8:24:20 PM):
Unless somebody wants to color a mixblood instead?
Griff 8:24 pm
Griff (8:24:30 PM):
I'll color one. >_>
Ashomi 8:24 pm
Ashomi (8:24:36 PM):
You sure? ):
Griff 8:24 pm
Griff (8:24:43 PM):
They are my fav. lines~
Griff (8:24:48 PM):
I would love to play with them
Ashomi 8:26 pm
Ashomi (8:26:15 PM):
Well, we'd have to give you something to make up for it.
Griff 8:29 pm
Griff (8:29:00 PM):
Griff (8:29:03 PM):
I accept love
Ashomi 8:29 pm
Ashomi (8:29:34 PM):
All da luvs. <3
kiareii 8:29 pm
kiareii (8:29:46 PM):
a box as soon as I figure out monies xD
Ashomi 8:29 pm
Ashomi (8:29:58 PM):
All da Kia baking. <3
kiareii 8:30 pm
kiareii (8:30:04 PM):
anyone want to contribute to sending griff a goody box? /shotttt
Ashomi 8:30 pm
Ashomi (8:30:19 PM):
I have to find more alpaca plushes.
Griff 8:30 pm
Griff (8:30:21 PM):
Griff (8:30:25 PM):
ilu guys
Ashomi 8:30 pm
Ashomi (8:30:32 PM):
Ashomi (8:30:34 PM):
Ashomi (8:30:39 PM):
to find plushes for everyone
[A.V.] 8:30 pm
[A.V.] (8:30:48 PM):
/raises hand
kiareii 8:30 pm
kiareii (8:30:49 PM):
[A.V.] 8:30 pm
[A.V.] (8:30:53 PM):
Ashomi 8:30 pm
Ashomi (8:30:55 PM):
I got Naya a little elf and a little santa, then drew with red permanent marker all over them
[A.V.] 8:31 pm
[A.V.] (8:31:04 PM):
Ashomi 8:31 pm
Ashomi (8:31:05 PM):
and then I never sent it
Ashomi (8:31:07 PM):
): ):
Griff 8:31 pm
Griff (8:31:21 PM):
Ashomi 8:31 pm
Ashomi (8:31:34 PM):
Ashomi (8:31:38 PM):
kiareii 8:31 pm
kiareii (8:31:48 PM):
all good with it
Ashomi 8:32 pm
Ashomi (8:32:10 PM):
Well everyone that wants to collab.
Ashomi (8:32:20 PM):
Go roll 1d6 in the thread.
Ashomi (8:32:31 PM):
If you get the same number as someone else, reroll.
kiareii 8:32 pm
kiareii (8:32:36 PM):
the main shop? just to freak em?
kiareii (8:32:39 PM):
kiareii (8:32:40 PM):
Ashomi 8:32 pm
Ashomi (8:32:41 PM):
Ashomi (8:32:42 PM):
Griff 8:32 pm
Griff (8:32:54 PM):
Does this mixedbutt need edits?
Ashomi 8:33 pm
Ashomi (8:33:11 PM):
Uhh, yeah, we may as well tack some on.
kiareii 8:33 pm
kiareii (8:33:21 PM):
I can help even if we aren't assigned collab partners, griff
Griff 8:33 pm
Griff (8:33:37 PM):
Ashomi 8:33 pm
Ashomi (8:33:48 PM):
Well, Griff doesn't need a partner but she can have one if she wants. xD
Griff 8:33 pm
Griff (8:33:57 PM):
Griff (8:34:16 PM):
I can just....start shoving him at poeple once he's colored.
kiareii 8:34 pm
kiareii (8:34:22 PM):
rolled xD
Griff 8:34 pm
Griff (8:34:26 PM):
and then cry when owner makes him a girl
kiareii 8:34 pm
kiareii (8:34:54 PM):
pretty much
kiareii 8:35 pm
kiareii (8:35:35 PM):
lol, poor ane; I've compained to her about shopgoers one too many times
kiareii (8:35:43 PM):
she just asks me the gender of the pet now >>;
Ashomi 8:35 pm
Ashomi (8:35:44 PM):
She's a trooper.
Griff 8:35 pm
Griff (8:35:47 PM):
Griff (8:36:08 PM):
I try to stay neutral on genders.....I really do.
Ashomi 8:36 pm
Ashomi (8:36:10 PM):
I want Sacrifice, just sayin'.
Ashomi (8:36:15 PM):
Head on a pike? yes plz
kiareii 8:36 pm
kiareii (8:36:33 PM):
I want... Peace ...or Wisdom
[A.V.] 8:37 pm
[A.V.] (8:37:11 PM):
I think... I'm good with anything
xlittlefairy 8:37 pm
xlittlefairy (8:37:24 PM):
xlittlefairy (8:37:30 PM):
what is prefs 8'D -shot-
Ashomi 8:37 pm
Ashomi (8:37:46 PM):
Bravery would be the hardest, stick them with that.
xlittlefairy 8:37 pm
xlittlefairy (8:37:50 PM):
[A.V.] 8:37 pm
[A.V.] (8:37:53 PM):
kiareii 8:37 pm
kiareii (8:37:58 PM):
kiareii (8:38:04 PM):
I could tackle that then
kiareii (8:38:08 PM):
Ashomi 8:38 pm
Ashomi (8:38:29 PM):
lol we can argue in a sec, after I find out who's collabing
Ashomi (8:38:35 PM):
We'll force collabing on Mangs
Ashomi (8:39:01 PM):
Wow, no repeats so far.
[A.V.] 8:39 pm
[A.V.] (8:39:37 PM):
It's a miracle, LOL
Griff 8:39 pm
Griff (8:39:42 PM):
Griff 8:39 pm
Griff (8:39:51 PM):
omg. Lunch time. /shoves food in face
[A.V.] 8:40 pm
[A.V.] (8:40:02 PM):
/helps o u o
Ashomi 8:40 pm
Ashomi (8:40:10 PM):
Btw Ryuu, Lazarus is sexy, breed to me, kthnx.
Ashomi (8:40:14 PM):
lol Griff
Griff 8:40 pm
Griff (8:40:16 PM):
so sweet. ;-;
xlittlefairy 8:40 pm
xlittlefairy (8:40:22 PM):
ikr he is my babbu QQQQ_Q_QQQQ
xlittlefairy (8:40:40 PM):
/helps griff cosume it :kirakira:
kiareii 8:41 pm
kiareii (8:41:02 PM):
I have sigs turned off, Lazarus?
Griff 8:41 pm
Griff (8:41:17 PM):
you guys are the best. ;-; /eats all the foods
Ashomi 8:41 pm
Ashomi (8:41:42 PM):
Ashomi (8:41:47 PM):
Ashomi 8:41 pm
Ashomi (8:41:51 PM):
xlittlefairy 8:41 pm
xlittlefairy (8:41:51 PM):
Ashomi 8:41 pm
Ashomi (8:41:54 PM):
It didn't copy.
xlittlefairy 8:42 pm
xlittlefairy (8:42:06 PM):
haha I hate when my comp does that xD
kiareii 8:42 pm
kiareii (8:42:07 PM):
oh, mobbu pony
Ashomi 8:42 pm
Ashomi (8:42:25 PM):
Too bad red and blue don't mix so good.
xlittlefairy 8:42 pm
xlittlefairy (8:42:30 PM):
kiareii 8:42 pm
kiareii (8:42:48 PM):
I saw!
Ashomi 8:42 pm
Ashomi (8:42:50 PM):
Ashomi (8:42:54 PM):
All I have :'[
kiareii 8:43 pm
kiareii (8:43:16 PM):
after griff and I get babies, I could offer rune
Ashomi 8:43 pm
Ashomi (8:43:17 PM):
lol that goat is chewing wheat
Ashomi (8:43:19 PM):
I love it
xlittlefairy 8:43 pm
xlittlefairy (8:43:27 PM):
such cute babbus weh qwq // ooh I remember her, so pretty ;w;
xlittlefairy (8:43:28 PM):
xlittlefairy 8:44 pm
xlittlefairy (8:44:11 PM):
Ahh I remember Rune, too *w* Laz is RP only for now though xmx at least until I lose my RP drive for a few years again -SHOT-
kiareii 8:44 pm
kiareii (8:44:22 PM):
Ashomi 8:44 pm
Ashomi (8:44:28 PM):
I know that feeling.
xlittlefairy 8:44 pm
xlittlefairy (8:44:56 PM):
haha yeah xD It's fun thinking up plots but so boring actually rping idk /terrible
Ashomi 8:45 pm
Ashomi (8:45:14 PM):
I know.
Ashomi (8:45:21 PM):
People wanna RP the same stuff.
Ashomi (8:45:28 PM):
Hi, nice to meet you.  The end.
xlittlefairy 8:45 pm
xlittlefairy (8:45:32 PM):
Ashomi 8:45 pm
Ashomi (8:45:42 PM):
?That's why I quit RPing ponies.
Griff 8:45 pm
Griff (8:45:49 PM):
Ugh. Meet and greets are painful~
Ashomi 8:47 pm
Ashomi (8:47:23 PM):
AV 2, Me 3, Raja 5 if she's participating, Kia 1, Ryuu 4, Mangs 6
Ashomi (8:47:37 PM):
If you wanna reroll Ryuu, feel free.
xlittlefairy 8:48 pm
xlittlefairy (8:48:06 PM):
I dont mind? owo idk what it means tho XD Is it three peeps per pet?
Ashomi 8:48 pm
Ashomi (8:48:12 PM):
Ashomi (8:48:16 PM):
AV has to reroll
Ashomi (8:48:19 PM):
She rolled herself
xlittlefairy 8:48 pm
xlittlefairy (8:48:22 PM):
[A.V.] 8:48 pm
[A.V.] (8:48:29 PM):
LOL wut
Ashomi 8:49 pm
Ashomi (8:49:03 PM):
She needs a 5 or a 1.
Ashomi 8:49 pm
Ashomi (8:49:32 PM):
Kia with Mangs, Me with Ryuu and Ryuu with Me (that's why I said you could reroll).
xlittlefairy 8:49 pm
xlittlefairy (8:49:58 PM):
hell no *m* /strokes ur chek
[A.V.] 8:50 pm
[A.V.] (8:50:18 PM):
So... do I keep rolling 'til I get 5 or 1?
Ashomi 8:50 pm
Ashomi (8:50:30 PM):
Ashomi (8:50:33 PM):
I'm confusing myself.
xlittlefairy 8:51 pm
xlittlefairy (8:51:04 PM):
ahh as a warning tho my finals are on the first week of June so ill prob be busy for a while 9m6
Ashomi 8:51 pm
Ashomi (8:51:08 PM):
Everyone SHOULD have two different people they're collabing on, and two different pets.
Griff 8:51 pm
Griff (8:51:35 PM):
OH. Yeah. When is this happening? And can I color whatever I feel like for mixbutt
Griff (8:51:36 PM):
Ashomi 8:51 pm
Ashomi (8:51:40 PM):
Nobody rolled Kia, so it'd be AV or Mangs or Raja if she's participating.
Ashomi (8:52:01 PM):
Uhhhm, maybe theme it after something war esque.
Ashomi (8:53:12 PM):
Raja's gonna roll, one sec.
Griff 8:53 pm
Griff (8:53:15 PM):
mmmm. black and blood and grays and OK. I got this
Ashomi 8:53 pm
Ashomi (8:53:21 PM):
Griff 8:53 pm
Griff (8:53:46 PM):
We'll see what I come up with.
Ashomi 8:54 pm
Ashomi (8:54:04 PM):
AV and Raja rolled themselves
Ashomi (8:54:21 PM):
So they can collab.
xlittlefairy 8:54 pm
xlittlefairy (8:54:28 PM):
Ashomi 8:55 pm
Ashomi (8:55:17 PM):
Ashomi (8:55:19 PM):
So pairs are.
Ashomi 8:56 pm
Ashomi (8:56:01 PM):
Kia/Mangs, Kia/Raja, Ryuu/Dova x2?????, AV/Mangs and AV/Raja
Ashomi (8:56:49 PM):
Although, I think Ryuu should at least reroll one of those so she's not stuck with me.
xlittlefairy 8:57 pm
xlittlefairy (8:57:15 PM):
LMAO twice haha yeah I can do that xD
xlittlefairy (8:57:44 PM):
uhmm would 1 from my 12 6-sided rolls work out? xD
Griff 8:59 pm
Griff (8:59:08 PM):
/felt left out so rolled awesomeness
Griff (8:59:17 PM):
felt and left share the same letters~
Ashomi 8:59 pm
Ashomi (8:59:19 PM):
Go roll Griff, just for funsies.
chibi raja 8:59 pm
chibi raja (8:59:31 PM):
I can do 2 if you want
Griff 8:59 pm
Griff (8:59:32 PM):
I rolled 2 d10~
Griff (8:59:34 PM):
chibi raja 8:59 pm
chibi raja (8:59:34 PM):
And roll another
Ashomi 9:00 pm
Ashomi (9:00:00 PM):
Everyone's doing two, so that's okay.
Ashomi (9:00:20 PM):
One is Kia so...
Ashomi (9:00:26 PM):
Disregard first post
Ashomi 9:01 pm
Ashomi (9:01:30 PM):
Kia/Ryuu, Kia/Raja, Ryuu/Dova, Dova/Mangs, AV/Raja, AV/Mangs
chibi raja 9:02 pm
chibi raja (9:02:48 PM):
chibi raja (9:02:49 PM):
Kia, AV
chibi raja (9:02:53 PM):
I don't care if I'm doing edits or color
chibi raja (9:02:55 PM):
if you care
chibi raja (9:03:00 PM):
Let me know which you'd rather do
Ashomi 9:03 pm
Ashomi (9:03:04 PM):
So everyone give me three gods you want to do out of this list.......
chibi raja 9:03 pm
chibi raja (9:03:05 PM):
[A.V.] 9:03 pm
[A.V.] (9:03:26 PM):
Ashomi 9:03 pm
Ashomi (9:03:34 PM):
    Evil: Sacrifice, War -------- Normal: Sickness, Bravery ------ Good: Peace and Wisdom
chibi raja 9:03 pm
chibi raja (9:03:57 PM):
*Taps chin.* Any are fine with me Dova
xlittlefairy 9:04 pm
xlittlefairy (9:04:33 PM):
uhmm I think Id have a harder time thinking up something for the two good ones (aka nothing pops up right away so no big deal xD) but overall they're all chill with me owo
Ashomi 9:05 pm
Ashomi (9:05:11 PM):
Mmk, lemme assign stuff and see if anyone objects.
Ashomi 9:06 pm
Ashomi (9:06:57 PM):
    Kia/Ryuu (Bravery), Kia/Raja(Wisdom), Ryuu/Dova(Sickness), Dova/Mangs(Sacrifice), AV/Raja(War), AV/Mangs(Peace)
Ashomi (9:07:09 PM):
Only thing is, Ryuu would be stuck on two normals.
xlittlefairy 9:07 pm
xlittlefairy (9:07:33 PM):
that's fine owo
[A.V.] 9:07 pm
[A.V.] (9:07:34 PM):
These are all on god lines, right?
[A.V.] (9:07:37 PM):
/slow to the game
Ashomi 9:07 pm
Ashomi (9:07:49 PM):
Yes, good god lines for good, evil for evil, etc.
Ashomi (9:07:54 PM):
Wings you can choose.
chibi raja 9:08 pm
chibi raja (9:08:50 PM):
Sounds fine with me
Ashomi 9:09 pm
Ashomi (9:09:03 PM):
Mangs gets no say, apparently.
Ashomi (9:09:25 PM):
If she objects/doesn't wanna I'll go from there.
Ashomi (9:09:38 PM):
I don't believe she's that picky though.
Ashomi (9:10:01 PM):
I know Kia's okay, 'cause she offered to do those ones, I'm PRETTY sure she fell asleep.
Griff 9:10 pm
Griff (9:10:22 PM):
xlittlefairy 9:10 pm
xlittlefairy (9:10:31 PM):
omg haha she's so cute xD
Griff 9:11 pm
Griff (9:11:19 PM):
OK. I have to run again my lovelies~ (I get to go over pronunciation this time.'s a good thing I don't teach spelling.)
Ashomi 9:11 pm
Ashomi (9:11:27 PM):
lol griff
Griff 9:11 pm
Griff (9:11:33 PM):
I will~ see you all later. ;-; /hugs everyoner to death
[A.V.] 9:11 pm
[A.V.] (9:11:36 PM):
xlittlefairy 9:11 pm
xlittlefairy (9:11:38 PM):
XD Hf griff ;w; <333333
Ashomi 9:11 pm
Ashomi (9:11:39 PM):
Ashomi (9:11:46 PM):
I think we're good anyways.
Ashomi (9:12:02 PM):
I'll PM Mangs but everyone else is good to talk amongst themselves/start.
Griff 9:12 pm
Griff (9:12:07 PM):
Ashomi 9:13 pm
Ashomi (9:13:40 PM):
Ashomi (9:13:42 PM):
Ashomi (9:13:46 PM):
mid july sound good?
xlittlefairy 9:13 pm
xlittlefairy (9:13:53 PM):
yah 8D
Ashomi 9:14 pm
Ashomi (9:14:07 PM):
That will be with a few freebies thrown in, we'll worry about those later though.
Ashomi (9:14:25 PM):
Maybe we can give them little necklace edits to show which god/dess they're under?
xlittlefairy 9:14 pm
xlittlefairy (9:14:41 PM):
omgg that'd be cute as hell >w>
[A.V.] 9:15 pm
[A.V.] (9:15:13 PM):
Ashomi 9:15 pm
Ashomi (9:15:42 PM):
Okay, good stuff.
kiareii 9:25 pm
kiareii (9:25:02 PM):
fell asleep on the couch x.x someone send me a log/ pls&ty
kiareii (9:25:06 PM):
nini ilu
Ashomi 9:25 pm
Ashomi (9:25:12 PM):
Night bb. <3
kiareii has left the room.
9:25 pm